What We Do

Children’s Fund helps needy children in the U.S. and vulnerable children internationally. We work
with local leaders who help us identify needs and prioritize strategies for addressing them.  This means that our approach to assistance is targeted to what is needed most locally.  This is why our project activities vary from one community to another.  Depending upon the type of project activity, Children’s Fund involvement may be a short duration to address a specific issue like building a library or buying a bus to transport youth to job training. Other projects have continued over many years like some of the projects we are currently involved with.  Children’s Fund promotes excellence in all aspects of services, and programs.  We require transparency and accountability. 

Children’s Fund is in compliance with all applicable federal requirements and regulations as well as applicable requirements and regulations in states where Children’s Fund is registered respecting nondiscrimination and equal employment opportunity with respect to clients, officers, employees, volunteers and membership on the governing board.